What is the significance of time?

Pankaj kukreti
3 min readFeb 23, 2022

Do you have any idea what the fourth dimension is that we are living in? This is what we refer to as “time.”

The Attention Economy: We now live in an attention economy, in which the vast majority of things merely seek our attention. because they understood the value of time above money

The only non-renewable resource is time.: It is not incorrect to assert that you are not compensated for the 8 hours of effort you put in. We can read it, however, to suggest that you are being compensated for the time you have invested or invested in a particular field or study.

Prioritizing The most important factor is time: What is the distinction between a professional and a slacker? Prioritization of time. You must manage your time well and know exactly what you’re doing. to expend energy in accordance with your schedule It is dependent on the requirements and priorities of the individual. However, the sooner you realize it, the more productive you will be.

Time act as a teacher: Time may be a healer or a teacher. Everything in this universe is connected to time, either directly or indirectly. Even a person’s viewpoint (on happiness and sentiments) evolves during the course of his or her life.

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What are the things that time equals to?

An Asset: Time is a valuable asset that everyone possesses. Every minute you have earned for yourself is equal to every second you have saved.

More investing: As in financial terms, The sooner you get started, the better. Do you have any idea why? because of the “n” “t” variable in the compounding interest formula. Which one is it?

P (1 + r/n) (nt)

Where “P” is the principal balance, “r” is the interest rate, and “n” is the number of times interest is compounded per time period. In general terms, the more time you give it, the more it will be

Productive day: What might a productive day look like for me? My answer is when I have enough time in a day to balance all of my activities, such as relationships, learning, health, knowledge, and job. Not wrong to say that In the long run, a healthy lifestyle is required to attain a healthier balance.

Memories: Consider the highlights of your life. How many of them are solely monetary in nature? Very few rights, which means The more free time you have, the more memories you will have accumulated.

Achievements: “An ant can eat an entire elephant if you give it 1000 years,” according to legend. Similarly, every goal can be achieved if you give it the time to grow and the patience to wait long enough.

Retirement: What will be your ideal retirement notion if you’ve accomplished everything you’ve ever wanted? In truth, many on the verge of death wish for more time rather than money. Over and above it all, nobody knows how much time they have. However, at the end of the day, everyone remembers how a person makes good use of it for social and personal well-being.

So, What should we do to have better control over time?

  1. Start thinking in terms of time assets vs. time debts.
  2. Thinking in terms of what we really own? Time?
  3. 1% Better Everyday by Preparing a “System of Execution”
  4. You must manage your energy in order to manage your time.
  5. Read the books, learn from others’ wisdom.

