Pankaj kukreti
2 min readJun 17, 2019

What I learned from running

I never be a sports person ever and never had interest in it. When I saw player playing in best stadium breaking the old records I used to switch the channel. I didn't have any interest in it. But as things went upside down for me during the last few years. I learned many new things and got to know many new things running is one the them.

Good morning all of you, today I will discuss about what I learned about running so without any further delay let's get started.

Running is very old:

As we all know about our ancestors who used to run behind animal and feed on them. So basically running is situated from our early stages of us as human being it is there before any civilization in this world.

Running comes naturally :

What I meant here is that in our childhood every parents taught their toddlers how to walk but never thought how to run. A toddlers automatically knows it. It is just like God gift

Running is good for health :

It is so simple sports that every one can do it no need of any accessories or gears. Just start walking with little more speed than usual and viola you are running

Running keep you moving :

A person who could do a walk or run atleast 10,000 steps a day are meant to be fit guy. As we all known "rolling stones never get moss" like that a daily running habitual never or fever caught by any of disease problem.

Running has an amazing history :

Everybody once a while get to hear that word "marathon". Most popular word in running world. Actually marathon word was come from the person name marathon who ran continue for 42.2 km (approx.) to deliver sort of information which saves many people lifes . And now a days there are many marathons events all over the world and with increasing number of participation every day on that kind of events

Running needs dedication :

Like all other fields running also need dedication and patience. A person who completed marathon once in his lifetime knows that how much design and time it takes with courage to do that lifetime achievement. Running a marathon is not easy but also not so hard. It just need proper time and regular dedication and any body can achieve marathon level in a year and so

Running boost confidence :

Any activity not only running. which relates to body exercise can improve your performance level after few days is practice you will feel a better version of yourself when you do disciplined continued efforts

Running is for everyone : No matter you are kid or old aged, fit or fat, male or female, it's for everyone. It's like universal nature law for everyone and equal for all. Every individual can enjoy every perk of their energy invested on every day practice

That's all for the day.

Thankyou have a nice day ahead


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