Pankaj kukreti
2 min readJun 15, 2019

Want to grow, Know the unknown :

I read somewhere that the secret of growing or achieving new heights in your life is knowing the unknown ways. Be always curious to know about hidden things or things you might just ignored in your lifetime or things which is always there but you missed to had a look on it.

Good morning guys, "knowing the unknown" Today I will share my experiences about how I explored and learn new things and get to know about more of my surroundings than I ever did, After reading and applying that quote "Knowing the unknown" . So let's get started

Dare to go out of town:

When I was at the end of the high school, I was searching for a job. I usually don't often went out of town before and had very not so good experiences about staying alone (with parental support) ever before. But now it's been 3 years. I learned not only how to Live as an independent person and to handle and maintain lifestyle. but also make friendship with many cool supportive friends.

Dare for first interviews:

After college I didn't know much about corporate environments and as that time some of my friends who had jobs often told me about scenarios about bad impressions during the first interview. I finished my college then but after listening to them I thought I will be very difficult for me. But as of now 2+ years of corporate experience I thought I wasn't so bad as I thought in my past.

Dare to run ultra marathon (50 km in A day) :

Only 10% of the population able to achieve this title as my friend told me back in Feb 2016 while we were running a half marathon. I asked him why only 10% after listening to him about his experiences and learning . He said people didn't have daring enough that's it and the only thing. That answer made me crazy and I tried but didn't control myself to ask what he meant by daring enough. He said "A Body can achieve what the mind believes" if someone didn't thought He can do it I will not ever make it. At that Day I thought I will do it and now the case is I did it twice and believe me he is totally right at the sentence.

Dare to explore surroundings and ask question :

In our childhood, every question we asked we get answers that's how a child learns . I completely forgot about this habit. For the steak of 6-8 months I lived my life like a machine office to home and home to office. But as I started asking questions (some are pretty obvious like - why our Indian flag have 3 colours and with Ashoka chakra in centre). Suddenly I get to know about new things some are facts, some may be related to work and some are just to know but all are helps me to grow , Now I always have new things to discuss with friends and family.

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