Happiness Vs Usefulness
Happiness is like a stable configuration in which every human being wants to live in and we are all working for it right. If someone is happy (mentally and physically) he/she can achieve there stellar performances in any fields of their lives, but what is the purpose of life when happiness is achieved, when someone got what he wants, what after that? let’s leaves the question here
Usefulness :
A stage in which a person dedicates his some part of his life for helping others, it can be in any form, like in India there are many scenarios I can tell you where a person helps others just to so a seva (a holy help I can say) with no any kind of greed in mind. Local call it “Propkar” .
Relationship of both:
In Happiness a person wants things for himself, do things for himself, want things to complete his greed to achieve it, sometimes individual became so obsessed to achieve his happiness which may even hurt someones
In Usefulness a person do things for others with no greed in mind, he just want to do the best he can contribute to do help others & to make the world better awesome place as ever before
For example a: person name pandu wants to learn a new language when he moved to another country. He made his best to learn that region language for the purpose to do the conversation with others. but what happens next, what’s his next mission for life when he achieved it (taking an ideal scenario that he have all things he ever wanted in his life.)
Here comes usefulness, when a person achieve his life achievements he became useful to other person let’s back to our case Now Pandu knows the regional language and he also knows his native language He may want to be useful for others so what he can do he will become a language translator or specific language teacher or any other professional or personal seva where he can use his language knowledge to grow others also, A line in a book that said “best way to ensure your growth is by Helping others to grow “
Past: I some recent days I got to know whats exactly author tried to tell about helping others when I tried to help other any sort of way I found every time I do help I get to know about a new fact, secret or any helpful information which I never know before. helping others also gave you inner satisfaction I realized which is the best thing as to be happy.
Khalsa Aid :
An organization run by some usefulness kind community, I get to know them about 2 years back, they do langar in those places where natural calamities or any sort of natural disasters just happened they help so many people out there, I got surprised to saw there kind work towards humanity.
There are lot’s of many reasons I found on internet many great examples & life studies, who made our world even more helpful than ever before
Conclusion :
In the end, I only suggest being useful to someone, because doing kind work for anybody gave you inner satisfaction & happiness.
Thank you Have a great day ahead.
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