Badass Gmail Tips for Salesperson for More Efficient & Faster Workflow
We all love Gmail and the features it provides to help us with our daily lives, but there are times when you feel like you need much more than what standard Gmail provides. Fortunately, Gmail has some cool features that you can use to improve the efficiency of your workflow and save you a lot of time.
1. Creating Unsubscribe button:
When you do cold emails, you have to add an unsubscribe button as per GDPR compliance. there is a little trick that I have found from where you can get a list of Unsubscribe on your email. you just have to add a line with the “Unsubscribe” button as a link as shown in the image
2. Add Gated Extension:
Gated requires unknown senders to donate to charity in order to reach you, ensuring that everything in your inbox is worth your time. It helps you to reduce noise so that you can focus on what’s important
Link : Gated: Noise-Canceling Headphones for Email
3. Adding calendar Link into your signature:
Calendy reduces the back and forth of asking for a meeting time. With calendy, one can set time slots so that others can choose the best time to meet based on their convenience.
4. YAMM:
When it comes to email campaigns and tracking them, YAMM is the best tool I’ve tried; it allows me to send multiple emails at once with a personalized touch. I strongly advise you to check it out because it is free and well worth your time to explore its functionality.
Mail merge for Gmail — Yet Another Mail Merge — YAMM
5. Add Delay on your email:
How many times have you felt you could undo an email after sending it? It happens a lot if you’re like me. And our Gmail knows, which is why they have a 30 second delay or UNDO time. Where you have a 30-second window to undo and resend an email after correcting it
6. Add Beautiful crafted signature:
Who doesn’t like to add a signature? Signatures on Gmail can be used for anything from adding contact information to announcing an upcoming launch. However, creating it frequently necessitates the assistance of a designer and a coder. What if I told you there is a website that allows you to choose a signature style from a single piece of information and create it on your own?
It allows you to create signatures for multiple platforms at the same time.
Link : Free email signature generator with 40+ pro templates (
7. Filters & Label:
they are life savers when it comes to filter out spam and recurring email a keep your inbox organized to boost activity and make you more focused what's important
More on that: Gmail Labels: Everything You Need to Know (
8. Spelling & Grammar check:
To err is to Human, we all often do mistakes, and we knew it very well so enabling spelling check and grammar check helps you to avoid those tiny mistakes while typing an email to somebody important, you don’t want to lose deals just because of spelling mistake so I always recommend using Spelling check before sending an email + Add Grammarly or quill Bot like extension for grammar checking
9. Adding canned responses (templates):
Using a message template, you can reduce response times by responding quickly to Very Important emails. Trust me, I used it for everything from sending a quick reminder to following up on our last conversation.
Here is link where you learn more: How to Use Canned Responses in Gmail (with Pictures) — wikiHow
10. Report for Gmail:
Emails should be combined into neatly organized Google Docs. Report for Gmail assists me in keeping track of important emails threads. With the functionality of a doc, it would be simple for me to maintain email thread docs for easy sharing with peers. It is available for installation on the Google workspace marketplace.
Link: Reports for Gmail™ — Google Workspace Marketplace
Bonus :
Gmail Shortcut: This is a pro level customization, and while I’m still learning about it, once learned, it will help you speed up your overall working experience. You can watch the basic learning video here. Gmail Keyboard Shortcuts — Speed Up Your Productivity! — YouTube
I hope you enjoyed these tips; please let me know if I missed anyone, and please follow me for more cool productivity stuff so you don’t miss it. Until then, keep experimenting and exploring. See you later.