10 Common traits of marathon runners. My experience

Pankaj kukreti
3 min readMar 17, 2022


It is hard to think of a better feeling than completing a distance you never have before

Studies have shown that over 90% of those who begin a marathon end up crossing the finish line.

What do those people all have in common?

A commitment to a healthy lifestyle

I saw individuals that remained motivated for a few days, but as the week went by, they were back to normal. Intensive motivation is the key here, at this stage you will not need any external motivation from outside to achieve your goals.

you are self committed enough to sacrifice every morning and leisure lifestyle to accomplish things for better future of yours.

Photo of a runner running on track- Tuffman Chandigarh Stadium run 2022

Some common traits that I have observed are:

They trust the process:

Because they’re confident about the end result. Having trust in anything signifies that perhaps “today was a bad day, but we have to plan and control our mood to make it better for tomorrow.”

They knew the power of repetition:

Learning the power of repetition is a persuasive technique often used by politicians, journalists, and advertisers to convey their messages.

Good at time/self management:

They are very conscious about their time and deadlines. they also have a great sense of self-management in their daily chores.

Great at calculations and numbers:

As they are always track things down, Over the time ultimately they become good at math. just because of their daily mental exercise of calculating pace, step count, and km covered with other things.

Try to ask any runner about his or her daily step count! You will be amazed to know about the numbers.

Pressure is another word for them to play:

They can also work under pressure and for long hours when required. It is just another adventure for them. :P

They knew the power of a 0.1% improvement:

Daily small acts of improvement lead to one big achievement, and they work according to that.

Always keep your commitments:

You never get disappointed with commitments while dealing with runners, because they respect other people’s time and value of their words.

Your Next Adventure Guide :

They almost knew about every local spot for a good adventure. Even they tell you how long it would take to get there with exact distance, just like Live Human GPS who also tells alternative paths and have an idea of good time to check out that place.

Fantastic at devising strategies:

If you ever need a good strategy or plan for your next run, try asking any runner. You will be surprised that they have a clear instruction manual with clear tips and tricks with such a detailed master plan, including when to start and how to start with best practices.

Think Long-Term:

Any marathon runner knows that a marathon is not a one-day game. So they act like it. They have great sense patience while training and are determined enough to accomplish any goal when there is a right time. They always embrace long-term thinking.

End Note

If you ever get a chance to meet someone with that criteria, have a glance at them to see if they are a valuable individual. who hides lots of treasure in it.



The Power of Repetition (columbia.edu)



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